CDRom-Lock Crack+ With License Code (2022) ---------------------- Some programs can force a tray to close on your PC. This happens when you insert a CD / DVD drive, which isn't in use, and they are opened by the PC, closing after a few seconds, independently of the application. This application is a simple utility to prevent this from happening, without affecting the operation of any application. This program works on both CD-ROM and DVD-ROM drives. You can lock CD-ROM drive and DVD-ROM drive individually or both at once. You can perform the following operations: Lock drive - lock the drive, allowing you to perform only one action (open or close) Unlock drive - unlock the drive and allow you to perform multiple actions (open or close). Unlock all drives - unlock all the drives Tray open drive - you can open or close the drive, pressing the eject button. Tray close drive - you can open or close the drive, pressing the eject button. Configuration menu: --------------------- The configuration menu is located in the 'Configure' menu, on the right-hand side. This menu allows you to choose whether to lock all the drives at Windows startup, to save the drive status in standby and hibernate mode, or to use another drive name in the application. CDRom-Lock in Add/Remove Programs: ---------------------------------- The CDRom-Lock program is not listed in the Add/Remove Programs. To add it manually, please follow the instructions below. Step 1: Double-click 'CDRom-Lock Setup.exe'. Step 2: In the 'License Agreement' window, click 'I accept the agreement' button. Step 3: In the 'License Agreement' window, press 'Add or Remove Programs' button. Step 4: Select 'CDRom-Lock' from the list of applications and then click 'Add' button. Step 5: To use the CDRom-Lock setup, press 'Install' button. Enjoy! ... This is a program that allows you to configure the power management of your system's CD/DVD Drive. Overview The program supports two devices - your CD or DVD drive and your USB keyboard. Once this program is installed, you can view, suspend, hibernate and sleep your CD/DVD Drive, or any of the USB devices connected to your system's USB ports. The CD/DVD CDRom-Lock Crack Registration Code X64 (April-2022) Support multiple drives. Supports multiple drives and their drives are the default. It is not possible to select a specific drive. Allow to browse drives by path and mount path. The drive information is saved when the PC is stopped or hibernated. Security: Do not have any file in the program and the program itself does not have any file. The program has no background. No known compatibility problems. USB devices are not supported. From the English version: Allow to browse drives by path and mount path. It is not possible to select a specific drive. Security: Do not have any file in the program and the program itself does not have any file. The program has no background. USB devices are not supported. Not compatible with Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2003 SP1, Windows XP SP2. The program also is not compatible with other drives, such as Samsung, WD, Iomega, etc. The program will not be updated. The program does not show up on the taskbar. The program is not compatible with the Tray Popup position is not compatible. The program automatically loads in the system tray. The program automatically loads in the system tray after log in. The program automatically loads in the system tray after log out. The program automatically loads in the system tray. The program automatically loads in the system tray after restart. The program automatically loads in the system tray after shutdown. It allows you to change the location of the system tray. It shows the program in the Windows Tray icon. It does not have a shutdown menu, log off menu, and restart menu. The program cannot change the location of the taskbar. The program does not have a close button. The program cannot change the screen resolution. The program cannot change the display screen from the program. The program cannot show a notification when the disk ejection button is pressed. The program cannot monitor for disk ejection. The program cannot start automatically when Windows starts. The program cannot not automatically load in the system tray. The program cannot automatically start when the computer restarts. The program cannot open the drive tray. The program cannot automatically 8e68912320 CDRom-Lock Crack + Serial Key (Updated 2022) CDRom-Lock is a simple application designed to allow you to lock or unlock a connected CD or DVD drive. INSTALLATION: Install & Uninstall: Unzip the CDRom-Lock.exe and CDRom-Lock.reg files to the same directory. LICENSE: This program is Free to use and distribute. FEEDBACK: We are very interested in your feedback and questions, so if you have any problems, questions, issues or suggestions - feel free to mail us at [email protected]. CHANGES: Please follow us on Twitter to be notified of any changes to the application. QUESTIONS: If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with our developer(s), please feel free to send us an email. ]]> CDRom-Lock Sun, 15 Jul 2014 12:00:18 +0000 CDRom-Lock is a handy application designed to help you control the CD / DVD drive of your computer in order to prevent it from opening or closing by accident. The application automatically detects the connected CD or DVD drive and then places itself in the system tray. It runs in the background, enabling you to lock, unlock, open and close the CD / DVD drive tray with just a click, using the context menu. The main interface is simple and does not provide many configuration options. You can choose the drive you want to control (or select all the CD / DVD drives) and select the action to perform. Locking a drive means that the eject button is blocked and pressing it, either intentionally or by accident has no result, unless the ‘Unlock’ option is selected again. The application can remember the last drive state and use it at Windows startup, but you can also set it to automatically lock all the connected drives when the computer starts. Furthermore, it can save the drive status while the computer is in standby or hibernate mode and load it again when the system is up and running. Since the application has not received updates recently and is no longer supported by its developer, errors might occur when What's New in the? System Requirements: Minimum: OS: Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10 (64 bit) CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent AMD CPU RAM: 2GB HDD: 2GB GPU: Nvidia Geforce GTX 550 or equivalent AMD Graphics card DIRECTX: Version 9.0c Network: Broadband Internet connection Additional Notes: NEW: Dual monitor support (using two monitors) NEW: GPU Rendering support on up to 8 GPUs NEW: Support for 7k (
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